Shenzhen KKPCB Technology Co., Ltd. (KKPCB) is a professional PCB and PCBA manufacturer dedicated to providing one-stop electronic manufacturing solutions. Specializing in high-difficulty, small to medium batch PCB and PCBA production, we focus on delivering high-precision, high-reliability products with fast turnaround times to meet customers’ complex design and technical requirements.



05, 258 Shenshan Rd, Longdong Community, Baolong St, Longgang Dist, Shenzhen, China


PCB Manufacturing

The advantages and application of Rogers RO4350B and RO4003C PCB

RO4000® hydrocarbon ceramic laminates are designed to off er superior high frequency performance and low cost circuit fabrication. The result is a low loss material which can be fabricated using standard epoxy/glass (FR-4) processes off ered at competitive prices.

The selection of laminates typically available to designers is signifi cantly reduced once operational frequencies increase to 500 MHz and above. RO4000 material possesses the properties needed by designers of RF microwave circuits and matching networks and controlled impedance transmission lines. Low dielectric loss allows RO4000 series material to be used in many applications where higher operating frequencies limit the use of conventional circuit board laminates.

RO4000 material’s thermal coeffi cient of expansion (CTE) provides several key benefi ts to the circuit designer. The expansion coeffi cient of RO4000 material is similar to that of copper which allows the material to exhibit excellent dimensional stability, a property needed for mixed dielectric multi-layer boards constructions. The low Z-axis CTE of RO4000 laminates provides reliable plated through-hole quality, even in severe thermal shock applications. RO4000 series material has a Tg of >280°C (536°F) so its expansion characteristics remain stable over the entire range of circuit processing temperatures.

RO4000 series laminates can easily be fabricated into printed circuit boards using standard FR-4 circuit board processing techniques. Unlike PTFE based high performance materials,RO4000 series laminates do not require specialized via preparation processes such as sodium etch. This material is a rigid, thermoset laminate that is capable of being processed by automated handling systems and scrubbing equipment used for copper surface preparation.

RO4003C laminates are currently off ered in various confi gurations utilizing both 1080 and 1674 glass fabric styles, with all confi gurations meeting the same laminate electrical performance specifi cation. Specifi cally designed as a drop-in replacement for the RO4003C material, RO4350B laminates utilize RoHS compliant fl ame-retardant technology for applications requiring UL 94V-0 certifi cation.


RO4000 materials are reinforced hydrocarbon/ceramic laminates – not PTFE

• Designed for performance sensitive, high volume applications Low dielectric tolerance and low loss

• Excellent electrical performance

• Allows applications with higher operating frequencies

• Ideal for broadband applications Stable electrical properties vs.frequency

• Controlled impedance transmission lines

• Repeatable design of fi lters Low thermal coeffi cient of dielectric constant

• Excellent dimensional stability Low Z-axis expansion

• Reliable plated through holes Low in-plane expansion coeffi cient

• Remains stable over an entire range of circuit processing temperatures Volume manufacturing process

• RO4000 laminates can be fabricated using standard glass epoxy processes

• Competitively priced CAF resistant


• Cellular Base Station Antennas and Power Amplifi ers

• RF Identifi cation Tags

• Automotive Radar and Sensors

• LNB’s for Direct Broadcast Satellites

Dielectric Constant

RO4003C 3.38 ± 0.05

RO4350B 3.48 ± 0.05

Lots of customers come to buy Rogers PCB. We keep All types Rogers material in stock, if you need any of them, welcome to contact us for the price and datasheet.



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