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PCB Material Specification Sheet

Line Widths for Various Characteristic Impedance of Center Stripline Devices in RT duroid Laminates

RT-Duroid® laminates are widely used in microwave and high-frequency circuit applications due to their stable dielectric properties and low loss tangent. Designing stripline devices with specific characteristic impedances involves determining the appropriate line width, which depends on the laminate’s dielectric constant (Dk), thickness, and copper cladding.

PCB Material Specification Sheet

Line Widths for Various Characteristic Impedance of Center Stripline Devices in RT duroid Laminates

In designing stripline circuits for high-frequency applications, maintaining the desired characteristic impedance (Z0Z_0Z0​) is crucial for signal integrity. The geometry of the trace, including line width, separation from ground planes, and material properties, plays a significant role in determining Z0Z_0Z0​. RT-duroid® laminates, with their excellent dielectric properties, are commonly used for such applications.