Ceramic-filled PTFE composites, such as RT-Duroid laminates, are widely used in high-frequency applications due to their excellent electrical and mechanical properties. However, their porous structure and hydrophobic nature can lead to the absorption of certain chemicals during processing or in service environments. This document outlines strategies to prevent chemical absorption and methods to remove absorbed chemicals, ensuring the long-term reliability of these materials.
RT-Duroid laminates, including PTFE-based composites like RT-Duroid 5870 and 5880, are widely used in high-frequency applications due to their excellent dielectric properties. However, in specialized environments such as space exploration, nuclear facilities, or medical applications involving ionizing radiation, understanding the impact of nuclear radiation on these materials is crucial.
hen Rogers high-frequency circuit boards, such as RT-duroid laminates, carry direct current (DC) or radio frequency (RF) current, the temperature rise depends on factors such as conductor resistance, material properties, current flow, and thermal management.
Line Widths for Various Characteristic Impedances of Center Stripline Devices in RT-Duroid Laminates
Stripline devices embedded in RT-duroid laminates are widely used for high-frequency circuits due to their excellent dielectric and thermal properties. Calculating the correct line width for a specific characteristic impedance (Z0Z_0Z0) is essential for optimal signal integrity and impedance matching.