Shenzhen KKPCB Technology Co., Ltd. (KKPCB) is a professional PCB and PCBA manufacturer dedicated to providing one-stop electronic manufacturing solutions. Specializing in high-difficulty, small to medium batch PCB and PCBA production, we focus on delivering high-precision, high-reliability products with fast turnaround times to meet customers’ complex design and technical requirements.



05, 258 Shenshan Rd, Longdong Community, Baolong St, Longgang Dist, Shenzhen, China


PCB Manufacturing PCB Assembly
Flexible PCB

Flexible PCB: How to Choose the Right Assembly Technology

Flexible PCB is a unique type of printed circuit board that replaces the rigid FR4/metal/PTFE/ceramic substrate with a thin, bendable polyimide (PI) substrate and replaces the solder mask with a PI coverlay. Plated through holes or buried vias insulate and protect the conductive copper traces that connect the various flexible PCB layers to the non-conductive PI material. Flexible circuit board, flexible PCB or FPC is another name for flexible PCB.

PCB Manufacturing
multi-layer PCB circuit boards

The design elements and uses of multilayer PCB circuit boards and their differences

Generally, multilayer circuit boards are designed with large amounts of copper foil as grounding devices. Sometimes, the Vcc layer is also designed with large amounts of copper foil. When these large amounts of copper foil cannot be evenly distributed on the same multilayer circuit board, it will cause problems with uneven heat absorption and heat dissipation rates. The multilayer circuit board will naturally expand and contract when heated and contract when cooled. If the expansion and contraction cannot be achieved at the same time, different ground stresses will be caused and the board will deform. At this time, if the temperature of the board has reached the limit of the Tg value, the board will gradually soften and cause deformation

PCB Manufacturing
high-frequency PCBs

What are the high-frequency PCB boards? How to choose?

High-frequency circuit boards refer to special PCB circuit boards with higher electromagnetic frequencies. They are used in high-frequency (frequency greater than 300MHZ or wavelength less than 1 meter) and microwave (frequency greater than 3GHZ or wavelength less than 0.1 meter) fields. They are produced on microwave substrate copper-clad boards using some processes of ordinary rigid circuit board manufacturing methods or using special processing methods. Generally speaking, high-frequency boards can be defined as circuit boards with frequencies above 1GHz.