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PCB Manufacturing
high-frequency PCB

Interpretation of Common Problems in High-Speed ​​and

Whether the signal quality will be affected depends on the method of adding test points and how fast the signal is. Basically, the additional test points (without using the existing vias (via or DIP pins) as test points) may be added to the line or a short line may be pulled out from the line. The former is equivalent to adding a very small capacitor to the line, and the latter is an additional branch

PCB Manufacturing
high-frequency PCB

Sharing seven practical tips for high-frequency PCB design

With the rapid development of electronic technology and the widespread application of wireless communication technology in various fields, high frequency, high speed and high density have gradually become one of the significant development trends of modern electronic products. The high frequency and high speed digitalization of signal transmission force PCB to move towards micro-holes and buried/blind holes, fine wires, and uniform thin dielectric layers. High-frequency, high-speed, high-density multi-layer PCB design technology has become an important research field. This time, we mainly want to learn some practical skills in high-frequency PCB design.

PCB Manufacturing
High-frequency PCB

What is the concept of PCB high frequency board?

With the development of high-frequency electronic technology, high-frequency PCB boards are increasingly widely used in various electronic systems. Recognizing the importance of high-frequency PCB boards, understanding their characteristics, and paying attention to their application areas are important directions for current scientific and technological innovation and research and development

Engineering Technology
RO4350B Po st Etch Movement vs. Post Lamination Movement

RO4350B Starting Point Compensation Factors

This study was conducted to evaluate dimensional movement of Rogers RO4350B
Product through the circuit fabrication process. The study was conducted using Six
Sigma tools and the DMAIC process as a guideline for the evaluation (Define, Measure,
Analyze, Improve, and Control). The Six Sigma project was initiated as a joint exercise between Rogers Corporation and printed circuit board manufacturer Cirtech Inc.

Engineering Technology
RO4350B high frequency PCB

Temperature Rise Estimations in Rogers High Frequency Circuit Boards Carrying Direct or RF Current

Frequently, designers are concerned about temperature rise of the conductor traces on devices built in microstrip or stripline configurations on RT/duroid® microwave material. The question arises when there are high bias line currents, but the bias line needs to be as narrow as possible to keep its characteristic impedance high. It also is of concern when RF power levels are high.

Engineering Technology
Rogers RO4350B PCB

RO4003C/RO4350B/RO4835 Laminates Circuit Processing Guidelines

These guidelines were developed to provide fabricators basic information on processing double-sided and multi-layered printed wiring boards (PWB’s) using RO4003C™, RO4350B™ and RO4835™ laminates. Please refer to RO4400™ bondply processing guidelines for additional information on inner-layer preparation and multi-layer bonding.

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