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PCB Material Specification Sheet

Temperature Rise Estimations in Rogers High Frequency Circuit Boards Carrying Direct or RF Current

In high-frequency circuit designs, managing temperature rise is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Rogers’ high-frequency circuit boards, such as those made with RO4000, RO3000, or RT-duroid laminates, exhibit excellent thermal and electrical properties. However, the combination of DC or RF currents and environmental conditions can lead to localized temperature increases that need to be estimated and mitigated.

Engineering Technology
RO4350B high frequency PCB

Temperature Rise Estimations in Rogers High Frequency Circuit Boards Carrying Direct or RF Current

Frequently, designers are concerned about temperature rise of the conductor traces on devices built in microstrip or stripline configurations on RT/duroid® microwave material. The question arises when there are high bias line currents, but the bias line needs to be as narrow as possible to keep its characteristic impedance high. It also is of concern when RF power levels are high.