Shenzhen KKPCB Technology Co., Ltd. (KKPCB) is a professional PCB and PCBA manufacturer dedicated to providing one-stop electronic manufacturing solutions. Specializing in high-difficulty, small to medium batch PCB and PCBA production, we focus on delivering high-precision, high-reliability products with fast turnaround times to meet customers’ complex design and technical requirements.



05, 258 Shenshan Rd, Longdong Community, Baolong St, Longgang Dist, Shenzhen, China


PCB Manufacturing
rigid printing circuit board

What is the difference between flexible PCB and just scratching the printing circuit board?

Gangrou combined with print circuit boards allows you to have the advantages of both the beauty. The rigid soft combination of PCB combines the flexibility of the flexible circuit and the durability of the rigid PCB. Flexible printing circuit boards are only flexible materials, which are usually based on polyimide or polyester. They can be single, double or multi -layer boards. The rigid soft combination of PCB also uses flexible and rigid materials. The flexible layer is sandwiched between the rigid layer. The rigid layer has conductors and plating holes to connect the flexible layer to other layers.