Product Name: RO4000® Series Laminates (RO4003C, RO4350B, RO4835)
Use: High-frequency circuit board materials
Manufacturer: Rogers Corporation
Product Name: RO4000® Series Laminates (RO4003C, RO4350B, RO4835)
Use: High-frequency circuit board materials
Manufacturer: Rogers Corporation
Rogers Corporation aims to provide high-performance laminates with integrated resistive foils that meet rigorous electrical and aesthetic standards for precision circuit fabrication. This statement outlines the key characteristics of resistive foil products, including visual appearance and resistivity performance.
Rogers RO4000® laminates, when combined with TICER® TCR Thin Film Resistor Foils, offer a unique solution for high-frequency applications requiring integrated resistive elements. These laminates provide exceptional electrical, thermal, and mechanical performance, while the integrated thin-film resistive layers simplify circuit design and reduce manufacturing complexity.
Rogers RO4000® series laminates, including RO4003C™ and RO4350B™, are advanced materials designed for high-frequency applications. They deliver excellent electrical performance, mechanical reliability, and are compatible with conventional PCB manufacturing techniques, making them ideal for RF, microwave, and high-speed digital circuits.
Rogers high-frequency laminates, including RO4003C, RO4350B, and RO4835, are widely used in applications requiring superior electrical performance and mechanical stability. These materials are essential in RF, microwave, and high-speed digital designs.
Rogers RO4000® series laminates are high-frequency circuit materials designed to deliver excellent electrical performance, mechanical stability, and cost-effectiveness. These laminates, including RO4003C™, RO4350B™, and RO4835™, are ideal for RF, microwave, and high-speed digital applications, offering compatibility with standard PCB manufacturing processes.
Rogers Corporation offers several laminate materials with low outgassing properties that meet stringent requirements for spacecraft and satellite applications. These materials provide excellent mechanical, thermal, and electrical performance while ensuring minimal volatile release in the vacuum of space, which is critical for maintaining optical and electronic functionality in satellite systems.
Rogers RO4000® series laminates, including RO4003C™, RO4350B™, and RO4835™, are widely used in high-frequency applications such as RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave circuits. These laminates offer low dielectric loss, mechanical stability, and compatibility with standard PCB manufacturing processes. The following guidelines provide essential details for fabricating PCBs using these materials.
Device Attachment Methods and Wirebonding Notes for RTduroid and RO4000 Series High Frequency Lamina
High-frequency circuit materials such as RT/duroid® and RO4000® series are widely used in RF and microwave applications. Proper device attachment and wirebonding techniques are crucial for ensuring mechanical stability and electrical performance. Below are detailed guidelines and considerations for these processes.