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PCB Manufacturing

Basic Knowledge You Need to Master for PCB Design

PCB design is a critical part of developing electronic systems. It requires knowledge to ensure schematic correctness, signal integrity, minimal interference, and convenient connectivity. Below are key recommendations and optimized methods for PCB design.

1. Working with FPGA

If the system involves an FPGA, you must verify the pin assignments using specialized software like Quartus II before creating the schematic. Some FPGA pins are reserved for specific functions and cannot be used as general-purpose I/O.

2. Optimal Layer Structure

  • For 4-layer PCBs:
    Layers from top to bottom: signal plane, ground, power, signal plane.
  • For 6-layer PCBs:
    Layers from top to bottom: signal plane, ground, inner signal layer, inner power layer, power, signal plane.


  • For PCBs with 6+ layers, inner layers are preferable for routing due to better noise immunity.
  • Avoid routing on ground or power layers, as this can create parasitic effects and disrupt the power distribution.

3. Connecting Multiple Power Systems

For complex PCBs (e.g., FPGA + DSP on 6 layers), multiple voltage supplies are often required:

  • 3.3V: Main power supply, easily routed globally through vias.
  • 5V: Routed as copper pours over a small area.
  • 1.2V and 1.8V: Core power supplies. It’s recommended to separate these voltages and connect them through copper fills.

Using copper pours instead of traces simplifies the routing of high-power networks.

4. Cross-Layer Routing

Cross-routing signals on adjacent layers:

  • Reduces electromagnetic interference.
  • Simplifies signal connections.

5. Isolating Analog and Digital Signals

To minimize interference:

  • Separate analog devices from digital devices.
  • Connect analog and digital grounds at a single point using an inductor or ferrite bead.

6. Iterative Design Process

PCB design resembles software development; it’s essential to iteratively reduce errors.
Key steps:

  1. Verify the schematic (pay extra attention to power and ground).
  2. Create the PCB layout drawing.
  3. Verify component dimensions and add markers to the design library.
  4. Import the netlist and optimize signal sequences.
  5. Perform manual routing (using copper fills for power networks).

7. Working with Quartz Oscillators

  • Place the quartz oscillator as close as possible to the chip.
  • Avoid routing traces beneath the oscillator.
  • Use a clock tree method for distributing clock signals.

8. Signal Arrangement on Connectors

The arrangement of signals on connectors affects routing convenience. Optimize signal placement in the schematic, but avoid renumbering components.

9. Multi-Board Connector Design

  • Cable Connection: Top and bottom interfaces are identical.
  • Direct Socket Connection: Top and bottom interfaces are mirror-symmetrical.

10. Module Signal Organization

  • Single Side of the PCB: Connections are arranged sequentially.
  • Different Sides of the PCB: Signals are connected in a mirrored configuration.

Design Optimization

  • Place power and ground wires close together to minimize loop area and reduce interference.
  • Avoid parallel signal lines to minimize mutual inductance.

PCB design requires understanding physical processes and careful organization of layers, power networks, and signal paths. Following these recommendations reduces noise risk, improves reliability, and simplifies the routing of complex systems


One-stop PCB Manufacturing and PCB Assembly solutions Manufacturer

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