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PCB Manufacturing
Aluminum PCB Layers

Advantages of Using Aluminum-Based PCBs

Each rigid and flexible printed circuit board (PCB) design is different and can be customized based on the purpose of the board. The same is true for the PCB substrate – fiberglass is a commonly used substrate, but aluminum-based PCBs are also very effective in many industrial applications. Aluminum-based PCBs consist of a metal-based, copper-clad laminate that provides high performance, including excellent electrical insulation and thermal conductivity.

Also known as metal-based PCBs, aluminum printed circuit boards consist of a metal-based laminate covered with a copper foil layer. They are made of an alloy sheet that is a combination of aluminum, magnesium, and silicon aluminum (Al-Mg-Si). Aluminum PCBs offer excellent electrical insulation, good thermal potential, and high processing performance, and differ from other PCBs in several important ways.

Aluminum PCB Layers
This layer consists of an aluminum alloy substrate. The use of aluminum makes this type of PCB an excellent choice for through-hole technology, which will be discussed later.

Thermal Insulation Layer
This layer is a vital component of the PCB. It contains a ceramic polymer that has excellent viscoelastic properties and high thermal resistance, protecting the PCB from mechanical and thermal stress.

Copper Foil Layer
The circuit layer contains the copper foil mentioned earlier. Generally speaking, the copper foil layer used by PCB manufacturers varies in thickness from 1 ounce to 10 ounces.

Dielectric Layer
When current flows through the circuit, the insulating layer absorbs heat and then transfers it to the aluminum layer, which then dissipates the heat.

Achieving the highest light output results in increased heat. PCBs with higher thermal resistance extend the life of the finished product. A qualified manufacturer will provide you with superior protection, heat resistance, and part reliability. At KKPCB, we strictly adhere to the extremely high standards and quality required for your project.

Aluminum PCB Layers

Advantages of Using Aluminum PCBs
Here are some of the advantages of using aluminum PCBs:

  1. Cheaper
    Aluminum is native to a variety of climates, making it easy to mine and refine. This makes it much cheaper to mine and refine than other metals. Therefore, products using aluminum PCBs are also cheaper to manufacture. Aluminum PCBs are also a cheap alternative to heat sinks.
  2. Environmentally friendly
    Aluminum is a non-toxic, recyclable metal. From aluminum PCB manufacturers to end consumers, using aluminum in PCBs contributes to the health of the planet.
  3. Better heat transfer
    High temperatures are responsible for severe damage to electronic devices. Aluminum can conduct heat and transfer it away from critical components, minimizing damage to printed circuit boards.
  4. Very durable
    Aluminum is stronger and more durable than base materials such as ceramic and fiberglass. It is very strong, reducing accidental breakage that can occur throughout the PCB manufacturing process as well as during handling and daily use.
  5. Lightweight
    Considering its durability, aluminum PCBs are very light. This increases the strength and resilience of the board without adding extra weight.

We want our customers to be as aware as possible of the different types of products we offer at KKPCB. Although power converters and lighting projects are the largest users of metal-based PCBs, their uses are varied.

LED PCBs account for the majority of metal-based circuit boards, and they may benefit from the advantages of aluminum core PCB materials. Every aluminum core PCB supplier should help its customers evaluate their needs for thermal control and insulation.

Aluminum core PCBs typically use white or black soldermask, while KKPCB has a specific white soldermask for LED lighting applications.

Aluminum PCB Applications
Aluminum back PCBs are ideal for situations where heat resistance and heat dissipation requirements are very high. Aluminum-clad PCBs conduct heat away from printed circuit board components more effectively; therefore, they provide better temperature management for PCB designs.

Aluminum back designs are 10 times more efficient than glass fiber back designs in removing heat from board components. The higher heat dissipation rate allows for higher power and higher density designs.

Aluminum back PCBs are being used more than ever in high power and high heat dissipation applications. Although aluminum back PCBs were originally designed for high power switching power supply applications, it has become popular in LED applications including traffic lights, automotive lighting, and general lighting.

Using aluminum designs can increase the density of LEDs in PCB designs and enable mounted LEDs to operate at higher currents while staying within specified temperature tolerances.

PCB Safety Margin
Aluminum-backed PCBs also allow for lower safety margins for power LEDs compared to traditional PCB designs. The LEDs in the design operate at lower temperatures, which means they can operate longer before failing.

Other applications for aluminum-backed PCBs include power supplies, high-current circuits, motor controllers, and automotive applications. Aluminum-backed PCB materials are very effective in heat dissipation applications involving high-power surface-mount integrated circuits. Because aluminum-backed PCBs have high heat dissipation, they can simplify board designs. Aluminum-backed PCBs eliminate forced ventilation and heat dissipation, ultimately reducing design costs.

Almost any design that can be made better with improved thermal conductivity and temperature control is a good candidate for aluminum-backed PCBs.

Storage Conditions
Always store aluminum-backed PCBs in a dry, dark place. If stored in a humid or light-filled environment, these boards will absorb moisture and turn yellow or black. You should also use the PCB within 48 hours after opening the vacuum packaging.

Aluminum PCB Solutions at KKPCB
At KKPCB, we are committed to enhancing our capabilities to provide you with the high-quality PCBs you need for your project. Here are some of the capabilities and services we offer.

PCB Engineering Solutions
Our engineering solutions include several features designed to improve the quality of finished PCBs, including:

Controlled Impedance Modeling: If your PCB solution requires controlled impedance, modeling is critical to ensuring an OEM-quality board that can operate from 100 MHz to 3 GHz. MCL can also help you tailor signal reflections to improve overall signal integrity.
Design Rule Checking (DRC): When designing a PCB, you need a way to ensure that your chip layout adheres to the necessary parameters and design rules. With our advanced DRC software, we can ensure that you have optimized your layout and maximized the available board space.
Design for Manufacturability (DFM): At MCL, we also promote PCB design to optimize the manufacturing process at every stage – manufacturing, assembly, test, delivery and support. We can work with you to design a design that supports manufacturing best practices to ensure superior PCB quality.
File Conversion: In some cases, you may have legacy CAD-generated DFX or DWG files that need to be converted to more complex Gerber files. MCL services can quickly convert DWX and DWG files to streamline the design process and speed up your PCB delivery.
Surface Finish
The surface finish of your circuit board is critical because it protects your PCB from the elements and prevents corrosion. Choosing the right surface finish for your circuit board is essential for safety and performance. Your choice will depend on the makeup of your circuit board and its components.

KKPCB offers a variety of surface finishes for PCBs, including:
Immersion Gold
Immersion Silver
Immersion Tin
Hot Air Solder Level (HASL)
Lead-Free HASL
Organic Solderability Preservative (OSP)
Hard Gold
Electroless Nickel Electroless Palladium Gold (ENEPIG)
Edge Plating
PCB edge plating is beneficial because it ensures a strong electrical connection throughout the board and reduces the likelihood of device failure. Edge plating during manufacturing requires careful handling so that the copper plating remains in good condition throughout the life of the board.

PCB edge plating is beneficial because it ensures a strong electrical connection throughout the board and reduces the likelihood of device failure.
At MCL, we can provide quality edge plated boards for your PCB application. We also perform all necessary checks on edge plating to ensure safety and excellent performance.

Layer Stacking
Layer stacking allows for multiple PCBs to be included in the same electronic device by stacking the boards on top of each other.

KKPCB can provide your business with multi-layer aluminum boards to help you increase the speed and functionality of your electronic applications. These boards have at least three conductive layers and may even have more. We will be happy to advise you on the correct stacking of multi-layer aluminum PCBs.



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